If you don't use the Spfile/Npfile interfaces, you can easily do it.
Spfile/Npfile support a single root directory, so you'll need to do
some tricks to implement what you need. I think that your own
npfile_attach/spfile_attach implementation would be sufficient. There
are some static functions in file.c that you'll need to make
non-static for the implementation, I don't have problems accepting a
patch for that.

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Juan M. Mendez <vej...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if current npfs or spfs supports exporting different
> directories, each one with different permissions (protected by
> uid/pass). Is it possible?
> My aim is to give users different views of the filesystem of another
> machine, after they authenticate themselves.
> --
> http://vejeta.com/portal
> Fidonet: 2:345/432.2

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