Hello, sometimes, when I execute a few times some external commands on a directory with multiple files on it (an external command like tail +0f on different files that are constantly appended), it is nice to have the output of each command on its own window, and not having all outputs mixed in /whatever/dir/+Errors. I think the way to go is to write something (probably an script) that redirects the command's output to a single window by interacting with the files in /mnt/acme/new and /mnt/acme/ID. Nevertheless I am not quite sure on how to proceed with this, so any suggestions are welcome. Also, when I have just one tail command running, acme's Kill command is fine when I no longer need it, but when you have >3 tail commands running at the same time, Kill doesn't work so good anymore. Does acme keep the pids of the external commands it runs somewhere so I can know which ones I need to kill? in other words, say that I have 4 tail commands running on some dir, with each of them showing their outputs on its own window, how can I put the right argument to Kill on the window tag so I can get rid of the command when I saw enough of the file? Saludos y gracias
-- Hugo