Hello, Acme likes to place new windows itself. If you prefer to change the layout of a window, you only need to drag the /layout box/ at the left of the tag line and drop it somewhere else. The point where you drop it selects the column where the window is to be placed now, as well as the line where the window should start. You can also click the layout box to enlarge its window a small amount (button 1), as much as possible without obscuring other tag lines in the column (button 2), and to fill the whole column vertically (button 3). You can get your other windows back by clicking either button-1 or button-2 on the window layout box.
That's a lot of good actions attached to all the three buttons for handling vertical layouts. How about adding similar actions to all the three buttons for managing horizontal layouts to a column /layout box/. -- Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709 Anu'z li...@home (Unix Shoppe) Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192 Chandigarh, UT, 160062, India Plan9, T2, Arch/Debian/FreeBSD/XP Home: http://cto.homelinux.net/~bsd/ Visit: http://counter.li.org/