this is probably a very basic question, but I am becoming quite
frustrated since I am not able to do what I want.
Imagine that I have 2 plan 9 installations. I just want to share a
namespace from one into the other using exportfs and import (or
whatever is needed). I do not want to authenticate the connections or
anything similar.
I did try import, exportfs, srvfs, listen, aan and maybe some other
tools but I am simply not able to access one namespace from one
machine from the other (they are really two 9vx instances on the same
I always end up with some factotum error. This is likely to be very
simple (given plan 9's nature) but I am now seriously confused with
the roles of import, exportfs, etc and how to skip authentication. I
read the man pages and some papers about file servers but I only see
complex examples and I am not able to figure out how to do it.


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