> While I think SQL *really* sucks (besides smelling too much of COBOL, > it pretends to be relational when it is not),
your facts here are incorrect. clearly sql is relational, if you take codd's meaning of the term. also sql as a language has nothing to do with cobol. cobol, like fortran, c, java and limbo are all imperitive languges. sql is interesting (and powerful) because it is declarative. you don't tell the database how to do something you tell it what to do. > My criticism was directed at how they are actually used in pretty much > every web 'framework' under the sun: with some hideously messy ORM .. > It is not uncommon to see people modeling with Objects file > hierarchies that then they go and store into a relational database. i agree with this. but that doesn't make sql or relational databases bad, or even bad for this job. just misued. - erik