On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Rudolf Sykora <rudolf.syk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Writing the core of a blog engine in three lines of rc is hard to
>> beat, plus you get the benefit of being able to manipulate and manage
>> all your data using the tools any self respecting Unix user loves.
>> uriel
> well, I haven't thought about it deeply yet, but what I guess could be
> a problem with your approach is that many features would have to be
> somehow implemented first so that it all be useable. I mean e.g. ajax
> style of page content refresh, session management, perhaps POST method
> too.

Whatever AJAX and sessions are good web development practices is
questionable, but in any case werc does provides you with the tools to
implement such things if that is what you really want.

Werc handles POST just fine, and actually maht just implemented
multiple file upload, which I never bothered to do because I never had
use for it and thought it would be too hard, apparently didn't take
him more than an afternoon to do it.


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