On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 4:59 AM,  <tlaro...@polynum.com> wrote:

> But my gut feeling, after reading about Mach or reading A. Tanenbaum
> (that I find poor---but he is A. Tanenbaum, I'm only T. Laronde),
> is that a cluster is above the OS (a collection of CPUs), but a
> NUMA is for the OS an atom, i.e. is below the OS, a kind of
> "processor", a single CPU (so NUMA without a strong hardware specifity
> is something I don't understand).

A cluster is above the OS because most cluster people don't know how
to do OS work. Hence most cluster software follows basic patterns
first set in 1991. That is no exaggeration.

For cluster work that was done in the OS, see any clustermatic
publication from minnich, hendriks, or watson, ca. 2000-2005.


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