> In some of the little I've played with such things, it
> has appeared that the VESA report of available modes
> does not always include resolutions that are out of
> the ordinary, and without that, I doubt the VESA
> driver will be able to put it into that mode.  Not to
> discourage you, but just be aware that your issue
> might go deeper than vgadb.

to my suprise, vesa seemed to work well in 1600x1200x32
mode when i last tried it on integrated ati graphics a
few weeks ago.

however, the hw cursor didn't.  since i had other plans
for the machine, i didn't investigate further.  the cursor
worked in some other lower vesa modes.

i get the feeling that some of the high bits in the vga
registers might not be set correctly, especially register 13.
i used this in the nvidia driver to get my obstreperous
card (different machine) working

+       vga->crt[0x13] = (vga->virtx/8)*(mode->z/8);    // magic to get cursor 
to work.

that would set it to 0x20, not 0x00. as vga.c currently does.

please don't ask me how i arrived at this magic. ☺

- erik

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