Plan 9 in the home... an interesting experiment. (I am the only one in my home who uses it.) Enjoy!

My message contains references to files in /n/sources/contrib. When you get your internet up in Plan 9, use

        9fs sources

to gain access to this folder. PostScript and PDF files can be seen with page. If a program is distributed as source code and a file "mkfile", type

        mk install

to build and install. Some of us have switched to Federico Benavento's contrib system. To install it, run

        /n/sources/contrib/fgb/root/rc/bin/contrib/install fgb/contrib

On Apr 14, 2009, at 2:05 AM, Jim Habegger wrote:

Meanwhile, does anyone have
any suggestions about learning to use Plan 9 for home office,

troff for document processing and presentations. A troff document is a text file containing text and commands, like so:

        Hey there!
        This is troff.
        .B "I have bold text" .

The main troff documentation is /sys/doc/, but a tutorial is a better bet. Take a look at

To integrate a picture, you will first need to convert that picture file into a postscript file:
        lp -dstdout -pgifpost file.gif >
        lp -dstdout -pjpgpost file.jpg >
Then look up the mpictures macro set. You can have more than one macro set:
        troff -ms -mpictures

Converting to PDF:
        troff -ms -mpictures | dpost -f | ps2pdf > cool.pdf

There are several specialized slideshow packages.
* the archaic mv macro set included with Plan 9 (doc: /n/sources/ contrib/pietro/mv.pdf).
        * Uriel's slides scripts (/n/sources/contrib/uriel/slides/)
        * Russ Cox's talk scripts (/n/sources/contrib/rsc/talk/)

Plan 9 doesn't have:


Each picture type has a program for viewing it, named after the file extension (png, jpg, etc.); page can be used to view multiple pictures at once.

juke(6) for how to go about playing music.

I don't think there are video players.

and Internet socializing,

There are IRC clients in /n/sources/contrib and an AIM client at /n/ sources/contrib/leitec/bsflite/. I don't think you can use websites with Plan 9 unless everything is done server-side. The primary web browser is abaco:

        contrib/install fgb/abaco

and then to learn more about
networking and distributed systems?

Read the files in /sys/doc.

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