Extraction of only a 180M archive knelled down a 1.8Ghz/P-M4/i686/1Gb
RAM/40GiB IDE HDD machine running vanilla Plan9 installed natively:

term% cat /dev/sdC0/ctl |grep dma
config 0040 capabilities 2F00 dma 00550020 dmactl 00550020 rwm 8 rwmctl 0
term% time /n/mon/mnt/sda9/Downloads/Plan9/mroot-linuxemu.tbz2
183.27u 31.06s 623.86r   tar zxf
term% ls -l /n/mon/mnt/sda9/Downloads/Plan9/mroot-linuxemu.tbz2
--rw-rw-r-- M 47 root wheel 188569960 Apr  8 16:15
term% pci -v
0.0.0:  brg  06.00.00 8086/1a30   0
        Intel Corporation 82845G[GL/GV/GE/PE] Host-Hub Interface Bridge
0.1.0:  brg  06.04.00 8086/1a31   0
        Intel Corporation 82845[MP/MZ] AGP Bridge
0.29.0: usb  0c.03.00 8086/2482  11 4:0000bf81 32
        Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM USB Controller
0.30.0: brg  06.04.00 8086/2448   0
        Intel Corporation 82801BAM/CAM/DBM Hub Interface to PCI Bridge
0.31.0: brg  06.01.00 8086/248c   0
        Intel Corporation 82801CAM LPC Interface or ISA bridge: see Notes
0.31.1: disk 01.01.8a 8086/248a  11 0:000001f1 16 1:000003f5 16
2:00000171 16 3:00000375 16 4:0000bfa1 16 5:00000000 1024
        Intel Corporation 82801CAM UltraATA IDE Controller
0.31.5: aud  04.01.00 8086/2485  11 0:0000d801 256 1:0000dc81 64
        Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM AC97 Audio Controller
0.31.6: ser  07.03.00 8086/2486  11 0:0000d401 256 1:0000dc01 128
        Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM AC 97 Modem Controller
1.0.0:  vid  03.00.00 1002/4c57  11 0:e0000008 134217728 1:0000c001 256
2:fcff0000 65536
        ATI  Technologies  Inc. fdds Radeon Mobility M7 LW
2.0.0:  net  02.00.00 10b7/9200  11 0:0000ec81 128 1:f8fffc00 128
        3Com Corporation 3C905 CX-TX-M Fast EtherLink for PC Management NIC
2.1.0:  brg  06.07.00 104c/ac51  11
        Texas Instruments PCI-1420 Texas Instruments 1420
2.1.1:  brg  06.07.00 104c/ac51  11
        Texas Instruments PCI-1420 Texas Instruments 1420
2.3.0:  net  02.00.00 168c/001b  11 0:f8fe0000 65536
        Atheros Communications Inc. AR5006X 802.11abg NIC

Moreover, it is strange that Plan9 running under QEMU on 2.4Ghz/Core2
Duo/2Gb RAM/250GiB SATA/IDE HDD machine out performs a natively
installed one.

Dr Balwinder S "bsd" Dheeman          Registered Linux User: #229709
Anu'z li...@home (Unix Shoppe)        Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
Chandigarh, UT, 160062, India         Plan9, T2, Arch/Debian/FreeBSD/XP
Home: http://cto.homelinux.net/~bsd/  Visit: http://counter.li.org/

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