I recently switched to Windows XP x64 Edition on my two 64-Bit x86 systems.  
Ever since, I've had trouble with Virtual PC, where I run a couple of Plan 9 
VMs.  I was wondering if anyone has seen similar issues:

I copied over a virtual machine from a 32-bit host, where it was running 
happily.  I also get the same errors during the install process, just after it 
tries to format the fossil.  Below are the relevant messages from the boot 

command 30
data f0caaaf8 limit f0cab8f8 dlen 8291 status 0 error 0
lba 605536 -> 605536, count 16 -> 16 (16)
 0x00 0x06 0x6A 0x3D 0x09 0xE0 0x58
0x40: E307 0x42: C0000x48: 00
0x4A: 0000
fossil: diskWriteRaw failed: /dev/sdC0/fossil: score 0x00005529: date Sun Apr 5
 06:37:19 PDT 2009
 part=data block 21801: i/o error

I get several subsequent messages that say basically the same thing, with 
different block numbers, but the machine never finishes booting.
Has anyone seen anything similar?  Is this a Plan 9 bug, Windows x64 bug, or 
Virtual PC x64 bug?

Many thanks in advance!


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