Why not Inferno for iPhone or Symbian or Android? If one is going to
research multitouch/small-scree GUIs, one will want to write
applications, and being able to write apps in Limbo for either
platform would be a big win, plus you get all the drawterm
functionality for free, and could be the basis of an Octopus port.

Porting drawterm is a dead end with very little potential of either
learning anything interesting or being useful in the future.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Federico G. Benavento
<benave...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My personal belief is that this is a really bad, if not dangerous criteria
>> for projects.  The goal for gsoc should not be to assign work for stuff 'we
>> need' -- if we need something we should be doing it ourselves.  The goal
>> should be to create interesting projects that attract new developers and
>> ideas to the system -- and ones tha
> this is a bit misleading, if someone wants to explore small screens,
> multi-touch and whatelse, why not getting a linux phone and starting
> there?
> I mean, drawterm for the iphone! why not for symbian?
> --
> Federico G. Benavento

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