On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Anthony Sorace <ano...@gmail.com> wrote: > i was looking at this a week or two ago, trying to find an ARM or MIPS > laptop to play with. my first question was whether the "missing" parts > of the MIPS instruction set are things that our compilers currently > generate; SoC (oh, and my day job) ramped up before i could find the > list of missing instructions. any idea? > > getting quotes or delivery in the US seemed tricky, too.
so, here's a silghtly controversial (maybe) suggestion. Maybe my memory is wrong, but i believe the vx32 kernel is gcc-compiled. There is gcc for this CPU. It might be easier to start from the vx32 kernel and gcc to target this machine, rather than do a 64-bit MIPS port of the plan 9 C compiler. Or not: a few of the folks on this list could probably retarget in very short order (I'm not one of the,however). ron