On Feb 16, 9:32 am, quans...@quanstro.net (erik quanstrom) wrote:
> > This is what I get when I try to store files of size around 300KB :
> > "write: input too big: max block size is 57344"
> this is why god^wken used filesystems.
> try vac(1), fossil(4) or if you need something
> esoteric you can roll your own filesystem with
> venti-file(2).
> - erik

Thank you so much for the replies.

This is what I am planning to do.

1. take a file, split it into many different parts (each part is
2. store each part on a venti server and collect the scores
3. when I need the file back, provide the scores to the venti and get
the parts back
4. merge the parts and create the file back

The problem is that I was planning on keeping the number of parts is
fixed. So depending on the file size, the part size will vary. And
therefore sometimes the (part = block) that I store will be more than
the current upper limit of 64k.

It would be great if you could let me know your thoughts on this.


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