On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 12:49 PM, erik quanstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i've been having a problem with nulls popping up
> in the middle of emails for some time.  normally,
> this isn't something one would notice but imap4d
> makes nulls in email extra annoying by sending the
> client 4 reformattings of the same bogus message.
> i never did catch it red handed, but it finally be
> came obvious on (not exactly the first) inspection.
> the dot destuffing code didn't reduce the length
> of the line to account for the elided dot and thus
> added a null at the end of lines starting with a dot.
> (but only after the first 16k of the message.)
> fun times!
> because i was there, i also added protection against
> nulls in the actual data.
> there's a patch on sources.

This is a great thing. I've been assuming that the rest of the world
sent around bogus email, it never occured to me that the mta would be
blowing it.

Thanks for this, it's a big help


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