On Sat Sep 13 21:13:15 EDT 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > fn cp {cpmtu -m 700 $*}
> How about dd?
> Dave Eckhardt

dd behaves differently from cp, and patch/create
uses cp.  in particular cp tries to copy the mode
bits along.

i thought it would be easier to be correct in adding
4 lines to cp than writing a shim than makes dd work
like cp.  especially since cpmtu had already been

i could be wrong, but that's what i was thinking.

by the way, my method is completely bogus and
accidentally works most of the time.  that should
be obvious from the fact that i'm using an mtu of
700 rather than 1500 or even 1510.  tcp, being a
stream protcol, doesn't respect write boundaries.
so even if the 9p messages are small enough, tcp
helpfully packs them together.

(unfortunately changing the mtu on a running interface
hung the interface.  i don't know if this behavior

9p2000 mostly hides the stream nature of tcp,
but once in a while it rears its head.

- erik

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