It will eventually install but won't get past a specific step after the
installed system is booted. I asked about the problem on 9fans. No
solutions... yet.
Here's the thread:
--On Wednesday, August 27, 2008 1:33 PM +0100 Robert Raschke
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Eris Discordia
I tried running Plan 9 4e on Microsoft Virtual PC (v6.0.156.0, both 32-
and 64-bit versions). It wouldn't work due to a strange problem with
(virtual) disk I/O. Virtual Server 2005 uses similar technology so I
think it would fail, too. Though, I didn't exactly give it a try.
Hardware virtualization often creates more problems that software, right?
The "run from cd" booted up just fine in MS Virtual Server 2005. I
never got round to installing it fully though. If I remember
correctly, I started an install once, but had to turn off disk dma and
then the formatting of a small venti (~3-4GB) took more than two
hours, so I aborted. Got a "faster" machine now, so maybe I'll try
that again.