as i suspected, you're here for therapy.
_Intense_ therapy.
i can see you're bitter.
Not very much. The "researching" and "submitting" and hoyvin' mayvin' is
going to be my bane, too. In a different field. Namely, differential
geometry. More specifically, Finsler geometry. To be exact, finding of
model spaces with constant positive flag curvature. Satisfied?
and how does it make you feel when you know others are performing
Sorry... for them. When you can Get A Job Done (tm) with a finger stroke
you shouldn't be moving an arm. That's squandering.
--On Tuesday, August 19, 2008 8:26 PM -0700 Skip Tavakkolian
No, you justify your salary, dear Sir. I honestly respect you for having
written the nemo book--you're nemo after all. That, however, won't
change my stance on Plan 9 and the 9people.
as i suspected, you're here for therapy.
You have nothing else but "researching" OS's and "submitting" papers.
That "justifies" your 9life.
i can see you're bitter.
Others, like me, have some "petty" work to do. Like knowing which
character on which line they're editing or controlling how long their
lines of text get, _without_ resorting to acrobatics.
and how does it make you feel when you know others are performing