>My  program uses some of them (DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX, DBL_EPSILON), and  
>including <ape/float.h> yields name clashes. Thanks.

> #include <u.h>
> ...
> #include <ape/float.h>

it's surprisingly important not to leave out important information, such as
what important things were in the "..." (other include files) and, most 
importantly, the particular "name clashes".

i'd noticed you were using <ape/float.h> not <float.h> which i'd thought curious
(were you mixing APE and Plan 9 include files?) but like most others i'd 
assumed the "name clashes" had to do with the DBL_ names. odd.

guessing that the "..." contained "#include <libc.h>" and trying a little test,
I find that probably the "name clashes" were (was?) probably singular:

/386/include/ape/float.h:43 yy.c:3 redeclare tag: FPdbleword

so now we know the problem, what to do about it?
i know an unpleasant way but perhaps someone else can think of a good way to 
get those
values outside the APE include files.  libc.h doesn't define equivalents. 
perhaps the values aren't actually all that useful (i'm not sure how i'd use
them myself in a calculator, for instance).

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