On 7/20/08, Uriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought I had submitted a patch for this a while ago (which as
> accepted), but maybe I missed the installer. In any case, using
> patch(1) will have a better chance of getting in.

I believe the best solution would be to change /sys/lib/dist/pc/sub/vmware from


    if(aux/isvmware -s){
           echo -n off >'#P/i8253timerset'
           for(i in '#S'/sd??)
                   if(test -f $i/ctl)
                           echo dma on >$i/ctl


    if(aux/isvmware -s){
           echo -n off >'#P/i8253timerset'
           echo hwaccel off >'#v/vgactl'

That is, add the line that disables hardware acceleration, and remove the lines 
that set dma on (this is handled by /sys/lib/dist/pc/sub/termrc already).

I do have one question though: when setting dma on, /sys/lib/dist/pc/sub/termrc 
iterates over /dev/sd*/ctl, while /sys/lib/dist/pc/sub/vmware iterates over 
'#S'/sd??; is there a specific reason vmware needs to use '#S' rather than 
/dev? (Or to formulate the question a bit different: I'd expect that '#S' is 
bound to /dev at that point regardless of whether we're using vmware or not; is 
this correct?)

Greetings, Sander.

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