OS X has this command 'open', which I'm told exists or is available on other unixes. It's about as close as you get to 'plumb' when in foreign lands. You call it like 'open http://9fans.net' or 'open /etc/passwd' and it does more or less what you'd expect, finding (usually) the right app.
I mostly get to my Plan 9 cpu servers via drawterm from my OS X laptop these days (9vx soon, once I get a comfortable environment there). I have a script that calls drawterm with the right arguments. I just added this to the script: mkfifo /tmp/open.fifo while () {open `{cat open.fifo}} I also have a srcipt on the Plan 9 side, 'web': #!/bin/rc fifoname=/mnt/term/tmp/open.fifo if (test -e $fifoname) echo $* > $fifoname if not lynx2txt $* (for those unfamiliar, lynx2txt is like wurl2txt, but using fgb's lynx port instead of hget to get things like tables). So now 'web http://9fans.net' on my Plan 9 box opens up a Safari window. Stick that in a plumbing rule and I can now click on urls in my drawterm'd acme and have a Safari window come up. It's pretty nice, and took all of about two minutes. Maybe useful for others. Anthony