I got annoyed with the idea of lguest being broken, I was stuck on a
long flight, so I redid l.s and fixed it. The new l.s has the
improvements from sources, mainly the 8M pte map instead of the
earlier 4M pte map.

it's also seriously cleaned up to take into account the new lguest
improvements (dare I say "churn"?) which are, after all, a good thing,
since you  now start in low memory and can set up the high memory page
tables correctly for the MACH structure.

OK, could some of you with the loopback 9vx device time something for me?

on 9vx, I have a venti and fossil in the file system. hence:

index main
isect /usr/rminnich/disks/index
arenas /usr/rminnich/disks/arenas
bloom /usr/rminnich/disks/bloom
httpaddr tcp!*!8008
mem 10M
bcmem 20M
icmem 30M

fsys main config /usr/rminnich/disks/fossil
fsys main open -AWP
fsys main
create /active/adm adm sys d775
create /active/adm/users adm sys 664
users -w
srv -p fscons
srv fossil

mk clean is 3 minutes on 9vx, 20 seconds on lguest.

mk 'CONF=pccpuf' is 7 minutes on 9vx, 2:40 on lguest

Of course, xen on a slower box beats them all, at 12 seconds, so it's
not like I'm saying lguest is fast. I need to try kvm next. But I'd
be curious to see times on the 9vx /dev/sd. I will be surprised if it
makes a huge difference but I'm often surprised.



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