I'm doing something stupid here, I know it, but can not recall what:
term%  venti/findscore -v arenas 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb
reading directory for arena=arenas00 with 195154 entries
reading directory for arena=arenas01 with 1587 entries
found at clump=1586 with type=16 size=300 csize=70 position=2531472
found 1 occurrences of 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb
term%  fossil/flfmt -v 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb fossil
fs header block already exists; are you sure? [y/n]: y
fatal error: ventiRead 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb (1)
failed: no block with score
8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb/16 exists

I've done this before, but those neurons got re-initialized with
other, much less valuable data, I think.


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