On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am interested in connecting more than one graphics adapter so that
> one can be dedicated to low level diagnostics (rather than the more
> usual dual head user interface).. but I am not sure how the hardware
> deals with that given that the VGA standard seems to imply that all
> the cards would be using identical memory addresses and IO ports.

There are Rules such that only one terminal gets to own the "legacy" ports.

> Otherwise I would expect PCI to be able to automatically
> map resources to non-conflicting addresses/IO ports.

They do. It's just the legacy stuff that gets weird.

> In any case my BIOS has a setting which allows selection between AGP and
> PCI as 'primary' Video, suggesting that it is indeed possible to have at
> least one of each.

it is.

> The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the VGA/CGA/EGA etc modes
> are suppressed in the non-primary card, leaving only the more advanced
> and less standard mode available. But this would be less ideal, as text
> mode would be more useful for low overhead diagnostics.

if you can convince the OS to use the non-legacy addresses, you could
configure BIOS to put your desired debug terminal at legacy addresses
and use it for debug.


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