Eric, thank you for explaining the facts with dossrv!

Well. I can understand now that /n/9fat/.... will be populated by dossrv and not part of the inatalled files and that cannnot be the source of the bug, but is a follow up. There must be something wrong before that step of "bootsetup".

I did some more installation trials in the meantime following the "installation instructions" from I followed that recipe just before, but in a more mechanical and brainless way.)

The chapter "Locate and Mount the Distribution Archive" with the task "mountdisk" is very obscure (especially for me as a non-english speaker). First of all the value of the "Distribution disk" ist not (and cannot be) "/dev/sdD0/data" because such a directory is NOT on the distribution disk (sdD0)! (May be I am wrong again?) But that entry of "/dev/sdD0/data" will only be accepted! Very strange! There is a directory /dev/sdD0/distro on /dev/sdD0, but that will not be accepted as an entry. (In the description is mentioned "a CD image named plan9.iso" but where should that be in the installation process?) I also tried a download of the archive via ethernet, but without success. I argue that at this point there is the bug in the description or something wrong with my trials. I argue that this will cause the problem with the task "bootsetup" at the end of the installatin trials. At this point the installation-description is very nebulous (for me). I also wonder that there is no task "copydist" offered in the installation process, so I am absolutely shure that I do something fundamental wrong.

Is there any solution?

By the way, I do not think that plan 9 can convince and interest new users with such fundamental problems. Nowadays everything must work flush libidinous from the start, otherwise it will be denied! May be such a system is only of interest for fossils like me.

Thanks and regards


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