On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Pietro Gagliardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You don't realize the point. I am agreeing with Kernighan and Pike: cat -v
> is harmful. So is ls -M, or echo -f, or rm -i. I'm showing a ludicrous echo
> command and challenging you to make it effective. What you'll find is
> surprising:
>  1) Maintaining echo is harder than maintaining all of Microsoft Windows and
> Microsoft Office combined,

A bold claim, and a damn silly one.

>  2) That my question and my challenge and my echo were all rhetorical.

If they were rhetorical, you wouldn't have challenged us to implement
your echo in the previous paragraph.

>  Here is my ultimate echo (yours may vary):
>         echo -- echo argumens
>         echo [-n] arguments
>         echo prints arguments on standard output, followed by newline. If -n
> is given, no new line is added.
>         To print -n and a newline, use
>                 echo -n '
>                 '

A substandard re-writing of the existing echo(1) man page is your ultimate echo?
   echo -n '
doesn't match current behavior and really makes zero sense.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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