
The last week I downloaded the plan9.iso.bz file from the sources. Then I installed it in a vmware machine, perfect.

Then, I pulled and I tryed to compile the pccpuf kernel (with glenda). I got a problem.

First time:

term% mk 'CONF=pccpuf'
8a $AFLAGS l.s
mk: don't know how to make '/386/bin/fossil/fossil' in directory /sys/src/9/pc

Second time:

term% mk 'CONF=pccpuf'
8a $AFLAGS plan9l.s
mk: don't know how to make '/386/bin/fossil/fossil' in directory /sys/src/9/pc

Third time:

term% mk 'CONF=pccpuf'
8c -FVw cga.c
mk: don't know how to make '/386/bin/fossil/fossil' in directory /sys/src/9/pc

Every time, the same error but with "the next" file to compile.

Yesterday, I tryed it with a new plan9.iso CD (the latest) and qemu. I got the same problem.

I leave the qemu's image at http://www.kix.es/files/plan9/P9-try.rar (with the windows binaries and the linux launcher)

Anybody can check the qemu's image or try to do a new installation with the plan9.iso?



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