Hey everybody,

I'm subscribed in some Telegram-group channels with many subscribes,
some channels with very privacy orientated (Android alternative FLOSS
apps, many against "gapps", etc).

In some of these channels there was added TGClean-bot for removing after
one incident. The incident was that some person joined and automatically
recorded a full log (so going back in history as much as possible) and
analyzing the chat.

So they installed a that bot which has the admin bit and goes back in
history and regularily removes everything from the chat and reports that
with a message like that:

- - - TGCLEAN REPORT - - -

Finished group purge at: 1586663325.5289502

Messages deleted: 18

Userbot sauce at: https://github.com/FriendlyNeighborhoodShane/TGClean

I do find this very useful for preventing tracking. What do you thing?

Best regards,


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