Jean Weber wrote:

The Writer Guide for 3.4.x should be done within a few days. We are
not attempting to do 3.4.x versions of the other books (can't keep
up). We may not get many done for 3.5.x before 3.6 is out (can't keep
up). In fact, we're not even trying to have a full set of guides for
each version (can't keep up). There is a pattern here! ;-)

Hi, I'm not a documentation expert, and I don't think I'll ever become one, but on the other hand I understand that keeping up with a fast release cycle might be a nightmare.

Is there anything that we can make at Board of Directors level in order to ease the process? Apart, of course, from slowing down the release cycle... which would be the most obvious answer.

Please do mind that in two weeks we will have the Hamburg Hackfest, and I will bring with me a number of "to do" items to discuss with hackers.

Of course, this doesn't mean that we will come out with an answer for everything, but I think it is worth trying.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

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